Many individuals nowadays are dependent on credit cards to make their transactions as credit cards have become a basic need for them. Along with giving you financial stability, credit cards come with various reward offers and benefits that attract customers even more. But, having a credit card is super beneficial only if you can make credit card bill payments on time. The amount you spend in a particular billing cycle needs to be paid before the due date; at least a minimum amount must be paid. And if you fail to do so, you can end up having debt with extra charges, such as interest on your credit card.
Now, the question that arises is: how do you make credit card bill payments? There are so many ways, online as well as offline, to pay your credit card bills, and all of them have their own advantages. This article contains information about all the significant methods through which you can pay your credit card bills. You can choose any one or multiple methods that are suitable for you.
Credit Card Bill Payments – Online Methods
Official Bank Websites
One of the easiest ways to pay your credit card bill online is through the bank’s websites. All the banks today have a net banking facility under which you can also pay your credit card bill. You can visit the net banking portal of your respective card issuer and log in using your username & password. After that, you will find the credit card bill payment option under the section of credit cards. Now you can pay your bills easily by filling in some details.
Bill Desk
Bill desk for credit card payment is another very suitable method to pay your credit card bills. You can simply search your bank’s name with the suffix ‘credit card bill desk’ on Google, and most probably, the first result you see will be the page where you can make the payment. For example, if you search ‘HDFC Bank credit card bill desk,’ generally the first result on Google will be where you need to make the payment (sometimes it may not be the first result). You will have to enter a few details like credit card number, email, phone number, and payment method, etc. Here are the links to bill desks of some of the major credit card issuers:
- HDFC Bank Credit Cards Bill Desk
- SBI Cards Bill Desk
- ICICI Bank Credit Cards Bill Desk
- Axis Bank Credit Cards Bill Desk
Auto Debit
Choosing an auto-debit facility for your credit card bill payments is one of the best ways to avoid missed/late payments. By signing in to the bank’s website, you can set autopay in your current/savings account to pay your credit card’s full or minimum amount due on a specific date every month. By doing this, you will never miss your credit card payments, and hence, you can avoid extra interest charges on your credit card.
NEFT is among the most popular ways to make several types of payments, including credit card bill payments. It is not always necessary to have a bank account in your credit card issuing bank to pay your credit card bills. You can also make payments to other banks using your current or savings account using the NEFT facility.
To pay your credit card bill through NEFT, follow these simple steps:
- Log in to the net banking website of the banking in which you have your savings/current account.
- Select the payment option ‘NEFT.’
- Now, you will have to add the beneficiary along with the account number, IFSC code, etc.
- Use the credit card number as the account number.
- Find the IFSC code on your credit card issuer’s website.
- Proceed to pay.
Visa Money Transfer
Visa money transfer is another payment facility provided by Indian banks. You can also make your bill payments for Visa credit cards through Visa Money Transfer. This facility allows you to transfer money from any bank account to your credit card. You can handle multiple Visa credit card bill payments with this method of payment. You can avail of this facility by logging in to your net banking account and selecting the Visa Transfer option under the payment option.
Phone Banking
If you want to make your credit card bill payment over the phone, you can contact the number given on the backside of your credit card. You will have to tell a few details to customer care, such as the bank account and other details of your current/savings account from which you want to make the credit card payment. Another way to pay your credit card bill through phone banking is to contact the customer care of the bank where you hold a savings account. You can request them to make your credit card bill payment through fund transfer, for which they will ask you for some personal details like the credit card number.
Through Paytm, Cred, Amazon, PhonePe & MobiKwik
Other than the above online methods to pay credit card bills, Paytm provides one of the easiest ways to pay them. You can pay your credit card bills on Paytm, just like any other utility bill, and that’s one of the greatest features of the app. Paytm allows bill payments for all Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Diners Club Credit Cards and all major card issuers, including SBI, HDFC Bank, IndusInd Bank, Axis Bank, and many more. Here is how you can make credit card bill payments through Paytm:
- Open the Paytm app or website.
- Click on the option ‘Pay credit card bill’ on the home page.
- Enter the card number.
- Click on proceed.
- Enter the bill amount to be paid.
- Click on Proceed.
- Select your payment method and pay your bill.
Cred is another platform where you can make your credit card bill payments and earn exclusive reward points. You can add up to 10 credit cards simultaneously on Cred and make payments easily. Following are the steps mentioning how you can pay your credit card bills on Cred:
- Install and open the Cred app on your mobile.
- Go to the option ‘Credit Card bill payments.’
- Enter your mobile number.
- You will receive an OTP that you will have to enter to get your mobile number verified.
- After successful verification of your phone number, the app will automatically add the credit cards linked to your phone number.
- Verify your credit card details.
- Make credit card bill payments and earn exciting rewards.
Being one of the most popular shopping websites in India, Amazon also provides you with an opportunity to make your credit card bill payments through it. Amazon supports credit card bill payments for Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club, and RuPay credit cards. When paying your credit card bills through Amazon, you get exclusive rewards/cashback offers. Following are the steps mentioning how you can pay your credit card bills on Amazon:
- Open the Amazon website or mobile app.
- Click on the three lines at the rightmost corner of your mobile phone.
- Click on the option ‘Amazon Pay.’
- Choose the ‘Credit Card bill’ option.
- If you have already added your credit card for shopping, you will see them on your screen, and if not, you can add your card by entering your name, credit card number, and bank’s name.
- After adding the card, you can easily pay your credit card bill.
As PhonePe has become a popular method of payment nowadays, it also comes with an option to pay your credit card bill through it. The app supports credit card payments for VISA, Mastercard, RuPay, American Express, and Diners Club. To make your credit card bill payments through PhonePe, follow these simple steps:
- Open the PhonePe app on your mobile phone.
- You will see an option ‘Credit Card Bill’ on your home screen. Click on that.
- Enter your credit card number & mobile number. Now, enter the amount that is to be paid.
- Now, choose the bank account from which you want the amount to be debited.
- Make the payment.
Being one of the leading payment platforms, MobiKwik also allows you to make credit card bill payments. It supports bill payment for all Visa credit cards and all other credit cards issued by major banks, including HDFC Bank, SBI, Axis Bank, American Express, etc. Follow these simple steps to pay your credit card bill through MobiKwik:
- Open the MobiKwik website on your mobile phone.
- Choose the option ‘Credit Cards.’
- Enter your credit card number for which the bill payment is to be made.
- Enter the amount to be paid.
- Click on ‘Pay Now.’
- Provide the payment details and proceed to pay.
Credit Card Bill Payments – Offline Methods
Through Cash
If you are a person who doesn’t prefer online methods for payments, you can also pay your credit card bills offline by visiting your bank’s nearest branch. Take the amount you want to be deposited to your credit card, and pay it at the branch, telling them all the required details of your credit card. It is one of the oldest yet secure and fast ways to pay your credit card bills.
Through Cheque
Cheque payment of credit card bills is also a similar method to that of cash payment. You can visit your respective bank’s nearest branch and pay your card bill there. You can also drop the cheque at the ATM Dropbox with the payable amount written in it along with all the required details of your credit card. This method can take a longer time as compared to the cash payment, but your credit card payment will surely be done within a few days.
Credit Card Bill Payment Options for Different Card Issuers
Card Issuer | Bill Payment |
HDFC Bank | HDFC Bank Credit Cards Bill Payment |
SBI Card | SBI Credit Cards Bill Payment |
Axis Bank | Axis Bank Credit Cards Bill Payment |
ICICI Bank | ICICI Bank Credit Cards Bill Payment |
Citi Bank | Citibank Credit cards Bill Payment |
HSBC Bank | HSBC Bank Credit Cards Bill Payment |
Kotak Mahindra Bank | Kotak Bank Credit Cards Bill Payment |
Bank of Baroda | Bob Credit Cards Bill Payment |
IndusInd Bank | IndusInd Bank Credit Cards Bill Payment |
YES Bank | YES Bank Credit Cards Bill Payment |
Standard Chartered Bank | Standard Chartered Credit Cards Bill Payment |
RBL Bank | RBL Bank Credit Cards Bill Payment |
IDFC FIRST Bank | IDFC FIRST Bank Credit Cards Bill Payment |
Union Bank | Union Bank Credit Cards Bill Payment |
IDBI Bank | IDBI Bank Credit Cards Bill Payment |
Bottom Line
Being aware of all these methods for credit card bill payments is really essential for you if you are a credit cardholder. Online methods for credit card bill payments are easy and fast, but if you don’t believe in online methods, you can always make it offline. Along with that, it is additional advice for you to try paying the full amount due before the billing due date using any of the above methods in order to avoid any extra charges. If you are a credit cardholder, do share your method of bill payment in the comment section below and let us know how your experiences have been.