All the card issuers try their best to make their customers aware of the importance of the safe usage of credit cards as credit card fraud is increasing day by day. In such fraud and theft cases, it becomes important for cardholders to get their cards blocked instantly or call their respective credit card customer care for the same. Do you know how you can block your credit card if it is lost or stolen, and how to apply for a replacement? If not, read the full article to understand all the necessary steps to get your credit card blocked:
Steps To Block HDFC Credit Card:
You can block your HDFC credit card by visiting your nearest branch and requesting the same, by calling the HDFC Bank customer care and requesting them to block your card, or via Net Banking by following the below-mentioned steps:
- Visit the HDFC bank’s official website and log in to your internet banking account.
- Under the main menu, select the option ‘credit cards.’
- Click on ‘credit cards host listing,’ and you will see all your registered cards there.
- Choose the credit card you are going to block and block it, specifying the correct reason for blocking.
Steps To Block SBI Credit Cards
There are many ways in which you can block your SBI Credit card, including mobile banking (using the YONO app), phone banking (by calling customer care), via SMS, or via internet banking. Following are the steps to get your card blocked via net banking:
- Login to your SBI Card internet banking account.
- Under the tab ‘Request,’ select the option ‘report lost/stolen card.’
- Fill in the required details and report your card lost.
- As soon as you report the loss, your card will be blocked.
- Now, click on the ‘Reissue card’ option and proceed to submit.
Another easy way to get your SBI Card blocked instantly is: Sen SMS BLOCK XXXX to 5676791, where XXXX denotes the last 4 digits of your credit card number.
Steps To Block Your American Express Credit Card
If your AmEx credit card is lost or stolen and you want to get it blocked, you need to visit your nearest police station and file an FIR against the same. Send the copy of Fir to the American Express bank along with the report to get your card blocked. Once your card is blocked, you can apply for a replacement as follows:
- Log in to your AmEx internet banking account.
- Under the section ‘account management,’ go to ‘card management.’
- Click on ‘order a replacement card for lost/stolen card.’
- Complete the process and proceed further.
- You will receive your replacement card via post.
Steps To Block Your Axis Bank Credit Card
You can block your Axis Bank credit card via internet banking, official website, mobile app, customer care, or by visiting the branch. Following are the steps to be followed to get your Axis Bank credit card blocked via net banking:
- Visit Axis Bank’s official website and log in to your net banking account.
- Under the section ‘Account,’ choose the option ‘My Credit Cards.’
- Find and click on the option ‘Block credit card.’
- Fill in the details of the card that needs to be blocked.
- Enter the OTP that you received on your registered mobile number and proceed.
How To Block Your ICICI Credit Card
There are many ways to block your ICICI Credit Card, including phone banking, mobile app, internet banking, and offline method (visiting branch). The easiest way is internet banking and the following are the steps that can be followed for the same:
- Visit the ICICI bank official website and log in to your net banking account.
- Under the ‘Credit Cards’ section, click on the option ‘block cards.’
- Proceed further and a pop-up notification will appear informing you about the successful card block.
How To Block Your Kotak Bank Credit Card
Like every other major card issuer, Kotak Mahindra Bank also provides its customers with different methods to block their Kotak Bank credit card in case it is lost or stolen. You can get your card blocked via internet banking, phone banking, SMS, or mobile app. Following are the steps to get your Kotak Credit Card blocked via internet banking:
- Visit Kotak Bank’s official website and log in to your net banking account.
- Under the ‘Credit cards’ section, click on ‘Service Request.’
- Select the option ‘Report lost/stolen card’ and proceed.
How To Block Your IndusInd Credit Card
If your IndusInd Credit card is lost/stolen, you can get it blocked via internet banking, mobile app, phone banking, or branch visit. To block it via internet banking, you can follow the below-mentioned steps:
- Visit the IndusNet website and log in to your internet banking account.
- Under the credit cards section, find and select the lost/stolen option.
- Report your card as lost and proceed further to get it blocked.
How To Block Your YES Bank Credit Card
The different ways to block your YES Bank credit card include internet banking, YES Pay, phone banking, mobile app, and SMS. To get your card blocked using internet banking, you can follow a few simple steps as mentioned below:
- Log in to your YES Bank net banking account.
- Select the credit card you need to block.
- Click on the option ‘block lost/stolen card’ and proceed.
- your card will be blocked and a replacement card will be sent to you by the bank.
How To Block Your Standard Chartered Credit Card
To get your Standard Chartered Credit Card blocked, you can choose any of these methods: Internet banking, phone banking, mobile app, and branch visit. To do it via internet banking, follow these simple steps:
- Visit the Standard Chartered official website and log in to your internet banking account.
- Find and select the option ‘Help & services.’
- Click on the option ‘Block lost/stolen card,’ and proceed further to get your card blocked.
How To Block Your IDFC First Bank Credit Card
You can get your IDFC Credit Card blocked via phone banking, SMS service, mobile app, internet banking, or branch visit. To do it via internet banking, you will have to follow a few simple steps as mentioned below:
- Log in to your internet banking account.
- From the taskbar, click on the option ‘HAVE.’
- Under the section ‘cards,’ click on the option ‘IDFC First credit cards.’
- You can block your card either temporarily or permanently as per your choice.
- You will require to enter an OTP received on your registered mobile number for verification.
- verify your details and proceed.
How To Block Your PNB Credit Card
Punjab National Bank also provides its customers with a number of ways, including phone banking, internet banking, branch visit, etc, to get their credit card blocked in case they lose it or it gets stolen. Following are the steps that need to be followed in order to block your PNB credit card:
- Visit the PNB’s official website and log in to your net banking account.
- From the card host listing, select the option ‘value-added services.’
- Select the card that you want to block and enter the reason for blocking.
- Enter your password and proceed.
How To Block your HSBC Credit Card
To block your HSBC Credit card via internet banking, you can follow the below-mentioned steps:
- Visit HSBC Bank’s official website and log in to your internet banking account.
- Under your credit card section and find and apply for your credit card block, mentioning the reason for blocking.
- You will see a notification on your screen once your card will be blocked successfully.
How To Block Your Federal Bank Credit Card
Following are the steps that you need to follow to block your Federal Bank credit card using internet banking:
- Login to your net banking account using the FedNet services.
- Find and select the card blocking services.
- Select the card that is required to be blocked and proceed further.
To get detailed information about all the methods to block your credit cards from different card issuers, refer to the links given in the table below:
Card Issuer | Registration & Login |
HDFC Bank | How To Block HDFC Credit Card |
American Express | How To Block AmEx Credit Card |
SBI Card | How To Block SBI Credit Card |
ICICI Bank | How To Block ICICI Credit Card |
Axis Bank | How To Block Axis Bank Credit Card |
YES Bank | How To Block YES Bank Credit Card |
IndusInd Bank | How To Block IndusInd Credit Card |
Standard Chartered Bank | How To Block Standard Chartered Credit Card |
Citi Bank | How To Block Citi Bank Credit Card |
RBL Bank | How To Block RBL Bank Credit Card |
IDFC FIRST Bank | How To Block IDFC First Credit Card |
Kotak Mahindra Bank | How To Block Kotak Bank Credit Card |
HSBC Bank | How To Block HSBC Bank Credit Card |
Bank of Baroda | How To Block BoB Credit Card |
IDBI Bank | How To Block IDBI Bank Credit Card |
Federal Bank | How To Block Federal Bank Credit Card |
Punjab National Bank | How To Block Your PNB Credit Card |
IDBI Bank | How To Block your IDBI credit card |
Bottom Line
If you are a credit cardholder, it is really essential for you to know how you can get your card blocked when it is lost or stolen so that no one can misuse your credit card. You must check all the methods so that if one doesn’t work, the other does.