When talking about basic credit cards, you may find plenty of options and hence it becomes quite difficult to choose the best one to manage your everyday spends. Lots of the people prefer having a card from SBI or from HDFC bank as these two are the top card issuers of public & private sector respectively. So, we are here with the comparison between the most rewarding basic credit cards from HDFC bank & from SBI Card: HDFC Bank MoneyBack Plus Credit Card & SBI SimplyClick Credit Card. Go through the complete article to understand the difference between the two cards on the basis of various factors:
Comparison Between HDFC MoneyBack+ Credit Card & SBI SimplyClick Credit Card
Joining/Renewal Fee & Condition For Waiver
Credit Card | HDFC Bank MoneyBack+ Credit Card | SBI SimplyClick Credit Card |
Joining Fee | Rs. 500 | Rs. 499 |
Renewal Fee | Rs. 500 | Rs. 499 |
Annual spends required for the renewal fee waiver | Rs. 50,000 or more | Rs. 1,00,000 or more |
The joining and renewal fee of both the cards is almost the same. But, getting the renewal fee waived off for HDFC MoneyBack+ Credit Card is relatively easier than getting it waived off for the SBI SimplyClick Credit Card. So, the HDFC MoneyBack+ credit Card can be considered better in terms of renewal fee waiver conditions.
Welcome Benefit
Credit Card | HDFC Bank MoneyBack+ Credit Card | SBI SimplyClick Credit Card |
Welcome Benefit | 500 Cash points | Amazon gift voucher worth Rs. 500 |
As a welcome gift, you get 500 Cash Points (equivalent to Rs. 125) with the HDFC Moneyback Plus credit Card and you get an Amazon gift voucher worth Rs. 500. So, we can easily observe that the welcome benefits of SBI SimplyClick Credit Card is more rewarding than the MoneyBack+ Credit Card provided by the HDFC bank.
Credit Card | HDFC MoneyBack+ Credit Card | SBI SimplyClick Credit Card |
Reward Points |
Maximum Cap on Reward Points |
Value of 1 Reward Point |
Reward Rate |
Milestone Benefits
From the above table, you can easily observe that the maximum reward rate of the SBI SimplyClick is higher than that of the HDFC Moneyback+, but the same is not in the case of basic rewards. The HDFC MoneyBack+ Card provides a higher reward rate (2/Rs. 150) than the other card (1/Rs. 100) in terms of the basic reward points. However, if you spend online more often, the SBI SimplyClick Credit Card would be a better choice as it provides 5x reward points on all online spends unlike that of the HDFC MoneyBack+ Credit Card. So, both cards are better than each other in some or the other way and the right one for you totally depends on your spending habits.
Credit Card | HDFC Bank MoneyBack+ Credit Card | SBI SimplyClick Credit Card |
Milestone Benefits | Gift voucher worth Rs. 500 on spending over Rs. 50,000 in a calendar quarter. |
On spending Rs. 2 lakhs or more in a year, you will get maximum benefits worth Rs. 2,000 with the HDFC MoneyBack+ Credit Card and benefits worth Rs. 4,000 with the SBI SimplyClick Credit Card. So, the SBI SimplyClick card can be considered better in terms of the milestone benefits as it is providing double benefits on the same spend threshold.
Other Benefits
Credit Card | HDFC Bank MoneyBack+ Credit Card | SBI SimplyClick Credit Card |
Fuel Surcharge Waiver | 1% fuel surcharge waiver capped at Rs. 250 per month | 1% fuel surcharge waiver capped at Rs. 100 per month |
Dining benefits | Up to 15% off on dining across 2,000+ premium restaurants. | NA |
Bottom Line
After comparing the two cards on the basis of multiple features, it can be concluded that both of the cards are exclusively rewarding and can save you a lot if you choose your card wisely. For example, the HDFC MoneyBack+ Credit Card provides more benefit through the fuel surcharge waiver but it makes no sense if you choose this particular card only on the basis of fuel surcharge waiver and you don’t purchase fuel very often. So, the most important thing here is to understand your spending habits and choose one of these cards wisely to get the maximum benefit.
If you still have any doubts in your mind, feel free to ask in the comment section below. Also, tell us which of these cards are you going to choose?