One of the popular travel cards in the Indian market, the Yatra SBI Card, which is issued by SBI Card in partnership with, has been recently launched on the RuPay network. The card was previously being issued on the MasterCard platform and it is most probably due to the RBI’s ban on MasterCard that the card issuer along with the merchant decided to launch it on the RuPay Card Network. The card is exclusively targeted at frequent travelers and individuals who love to go out on holidays. It offers some really exciting travel privileges and a good reward rate. Keep reading the article to know more about the Yatra SBI Card on the RuPay platform:
Yatra SBI Card on RuPay Network
With an aim to provide its customers with exclusive travel benefits, SBI offers the Yatra SBI Card which was previously being issued on the MasterCard network and has been launched on the RuPay platform now. The new RuPay variant also has similar features to that of the MasterCard variant. It comes with an annual fee of Rs. 499 plus applicable taxes and welcomes you with exciting gift vouchers worth Rs. 8,250. Refer to the following points to understand all its features & benefits:
- Welcome gift vouchers worth Rs. 8,250 on paying the joining fee.
- Up to 6 Reward Points on every spend of Rs. 100, where 1 Reward Point = Re. 0.25.
- A discount of Rs. 1,000 on domestic flight bookings.
- A discount of Rs. 4,000 on international flight bookings.
- 20% discount, up to Rs. 2,000, on hotel bookings.
- Complimentary insurance cover worth Rs. 50 lakhs against air accidents.
- 1% fuel surcharge waiver capped at Rs. 100 per month.
Must Read: Best RuPay Credit Cards in India.
Bottom Line
The partnership between SBI Card & Yatra is aimed at providing rewarding experiences to frequent travelers. From flight bookings to hotel stays, the card offers world-class privileges with a very nominal annual fee of Rs. 499 only. Moreover, with this launch, SBI Card also aims to strengthen its relationship with the RuPay Card network. This partnership seems to profit frequent travelers who are loyal to SBI & If you are someone who loves to travel, you should definitely consider this credit card. Also, if you have any further doubts, make sure to ask us in the comment section below!