If you regularly use your credit card and have heavy monthly usage, then you should look out for certain credit card bill payment options that provide cashback or reward points to you. People focused on getting the maximum reward points and other benefits from their credit cards until a few years back. Now, there are so many credit cards offering great privileges that people are focusing more on getting rewarded for paying their credit card bills.
If you are using a third-party application or your bank account to pay credit card bills, then you are missing out on 1% cashback. This is because if you use your HDFC Bank debit card for credit card payment via BillPay, you will get 1% cashback, and the maximum capping varies according to your debit card.
You are also eligible to get the cashback on paying other utility bills, provided they are available on the HDFC BillPay portal. Remember that you get the cashback only when you pay using your HDFC debit card, so this offer is applicable only to HDFC Bank account holders.
HDFC BillPay Cashback Details
HDFC Bank Easyshop Platinum debit cardholders can pay their credit card bills through the BillPay portal and get 1% cashback. The Easyshop Imperia, Preferred, Classic, and Women’s Advantage debit cards also earn cashback on bill payments. The maximum monthly capping on the cashback is Rs. 750 with this debit card. So, you can pay your credit card bill up to Rs. 75,000 every month in this way and earn a cashback of Rs. 750. Other than the credit card bill, you can also earn cashback on paying other utility bills as long as they are available on the HDFC BillPay portal. The cashback will be credited within 2 to 3 days after the payment.
HDFC Bank Millennia debit cardholders can get 1% cashback up to a maximum of Rs. 400 every month on credit card bill payments. However, this debit card cannot be used at the HDFC BillPay portal, and you will have to make the payment using a third-party app like Paytm or Mobikwik. The Millennia debit card does not directly give cashback on BillPay, but it offers 1% cashback on wallet reloads. You can load your wallet with this debit card, pay your credit card bill via the wallet, and claim the 1% cashback. The cashback is credited within 90 days after the payment.
How to Pay Credit Card Bill via HDFC BillPay and Earn Cashback?
It is really convenient and straightforward to pay your credit card bill via HDFC BillPay through your HDFC Bank debit card and get 1% cashback. Follow these steps to complete the process using your HDFC Bank Easyshop Platinum debit card –
- Visit the official HDFC Bank website and log in to your Netbanking account.
- Next, select the BillPay & Recharge option and proceed by clicking on Continue.
- From the list of available options on the screen, click on the Credit Card category.
- Next, click on your credit card provider name out of the available options.
- Provide your credit card details in the specified fields. You can turn off SmartPay as all card issuers do not support it.
- Once your credit card is approved as a biller, go to Home and then hit the Pay button next to your credit card.
- Enter the amount you want to pay towards your credit card bill, and remember to choose Debit Card as your payment mode. Make sure to use the debit card because you won’t receive the cashback if you use your bank account to make the payment.
- Click on Pay to finish the payment process, and you will soon be credited with the cashback. Also, you cannot pay HDFC Bank credit card bills with this method.
How to Pay Credit Card Bills with HDFC Millennia Debit Card and Get Cashback?
Unlike the Easyshop Platinum debit card, you cannot use the Millennia debit card to pay credit card bills via HDFC BillPay. You get 1% cashback up to a maximum of Rs. 400 every month for wallet reloads using the Millennia debit card.
Therefore, you can use your debit card to load third-party mobile wallets like Paytm or Mobikwik, use these wallets to pay your credit card bill, and get 1% cashback.
HDFC Debit Card Cashback Redemption
- Visit the official HDFC Bank website and log in to your Netbanking account
- Open the Debit Cards menu and click on Cashback Enquiry & Redemption
- Select your card account and click on Continue
- You will see your debit card along with your accumulated Reward Points
- Enter the number of points you want to redeem and click Continue
Which All Credit Cards Can be Paid for Through HDFC BillPay Portal?
- American Express Credit Card
- BoB Credit Card
- Axis Bank Credit Card
- IDBI Bank Credit Card
- ICICI Bank Credit Card
- Kotak Mahindra Bank Credit Card
- IndusInd Bank Credit Card
- SBI Credit Card
- RBL Bank Credit Card
- Standard Chartered Bank Credit Card
- AU Bank Credit Card
- Yes Bank Credit Card
Everyone loves getting benefits and reward points on spending money through their credit card, but with the HDFC BillPay offer, you can now get 1% cashback on paying your credit card bill as well. You must have an HDFC bank account, and you can use the Easyshop Platinum or Millennia debit card to pay your credit card bill and receive the cashback.
You just have to pay the bill through the HDFC BillPay portal if you have an Easyshop Platinum card or through mobile wallets if you have a Millennia debit card, and the cashback will be credited to you. Use your credit card freely and earn cashback up to Rs. 750 per month on paying the bill via the HDFC BillPay portal.
You will also get 1% Cashback through Mobikwik for Credit card bill payment using HDFC Bank Easyshop Platinum debit card.
Mobikwik support – HDFC bank credit card, Onecard credit card.
So how does that work Abhishek? Do I get the cashback in Mobikwik or HDFC debit cashback? And does this work for HDFC Credit cards as well since HDFC Billpay does not give cashback on their own brand cards.
Is easyshop women advantage visa debit card acceptable for payment ?
Hi, I tried to pay the credit card bill exactly as mentioned in the article. However, there is no cash back even after so many days. I also checked with their customer care and they said you get only on utilities not on paying credit card bills of any bank.
Yes, I just checked and HDFC bank confirmed there is no cashback on making the credit card bill payment via easyshop debit card
You are wrong my dear friend. You just try any payment through bill pay for your credit card. check cashback points after 2-3 days. You will be able to see.
No even I havent recevied any cashback for paying credit card bills
You will get. I tried and received….
I have paid my icici bill 80000 via hdfc billpay on 27th jun 2023. And the amount didn’t got credited to icici credit card . Due date of icici was on 30jun should I have to wait until it credit or should I have to pay that 80k from other platform (cred). To avoid the late fee and to not impact on the cibil score. Any suggestions
All credits card provide 3 days grace period. So I would wait till tomorrow.
Hi Team,
Is this payment method still giving 1% cashback?
Yes, you can still avail 1% cashback for credit card bill payments.
If i use easyshop platinum debit card and pay my HDFC bank credit card via mobikwik app. Will i get 1% cashback? Since its not possible to pay hdfc bank CC via hdfc billpay option.
Is there any limit on this 1% casback?
or its unlimited cashback?
I have HDFC’s
1. Times Point Platinum debit card
2. easyshop Titanium debit card
Does my above cards will get 1% value back on paying my credit card bill through Bill pay portal on HDFC netbanking? Pls inform. Thanks !
If I pay a credit card bill using an HDFC Milleniea debit card online, directly through per, say Paytm app using the debit card option. do I have the 2.5 per cent mentioned in the online spend rewards of the Millennia debit card or do I not get any reward for this online transaction
I was trying to pay my cc bill in my wife’s hdfc netbanking account using her easyshop women advantage debit card.
Today morning I tried adding federal celesta cc to the bill. It got added successfully. Last month bill value was 231. This month unbilled amount is around 85k.
Upon adding the bill , it shown 231 , however I tried to pay 10k, which got failed.
What might be the reason sir ?
HDFC credit card isn’t listed. Can we get any cash back anywhere for HDFC cc bill payments?
Not through HDFC Bill Pay. You can try through CRED or CheQ.
Can we get 1% cashback on HDFC cc bill payment using HDFC easy shop platinum debit in mobikwik or credit or cheq platforms. Please confirm.