Credit cards provide a significant amount of comfort and ease to credit cardholders in each and every aspect of their life. Whether they have to spend for some big or small purchases, travel-related bookings, or regular spending, credit cards come in very handy and provide you with some great benefits and rewards while you spend using these cards. Since credit cards provide amazing rewards in each individual category, hence, in order to enhance, the value of reward points, there are some specially designed credit cards to cater to the needs of every individual.
Banks have some special credit cards such as shopping credit cards, rewards credit cards, travel credit card, cashback credit card, etc. These credit cards provide accelerated reward points and benefits while you spend on specific categories using these credit cards. But we have to be very careful while choosing and spending using these credit cards as a wrong selection may lead to credit cardholders not earning rewards and benefits as guaranteed by the credit cards. In this article, we will discuss Travel Credit Cards and the mistakes that people make while choosing travel credit cards.
What are Travel Credit Cards?
Travel credit cards are those credit cards that offer exciting deals and offers while cardholders use these credit cards for travel-related spends. With the help of these credit cards, cardholders can generously save on their travel bookings. You can earn benefits on all bookings such as flight bookings, hotel bookings, etc.
Features of a Travel Credit Card
Following are the features of the travel credit cards –
Reward Points
One of the major attractions of a travel credit card is its reward points. Credit cardholders earn reward points whenever they spend on travel-related categories using their credit card. They also earn higher reward points when they spend on a particular website for their travel bookings.
Welcome Benefits
As a part of the welcome benefits with travel credit cards, the cardholders sometimes get a complimentary air ticket, or booking vouchers, or reward points which can be redeemed against making bookings for your travel.
Lounge Benefits
Another benefit that credit cardholders look for these days in travel credit cards is the complimentary access to airport lounges. Here, cardholders can sit and relax while they await their flight boarding.
Concierge Benefits
These are the services that are offered with premium and super-premium credit cards. These services are provided to make your routine tasks easier. These services include arranging transportation services, sourcing tickets for concerts, movies, and events, planning itineraries and making travel arrangements, recommending and delivering gifts and flowers, etc.
Redemption of Reward Points
The reward points that credit cardholders earn with these credit cards can be converted into air miles or partnered air miles and then book flight tickets for that partnered airline.
Mistakes People Make While Using Travel Credit Card
People who travel very frequently opt for travel credit cards because of the benefits that these credit cards provide but sometimes the credit cardholders forget to reap the benefits out of these credit cards. Initially, people are very energetic when applying for a travel credit card but with due course of time, they forget to take use such benefits. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss the mistakes people generally make with travel credit cards –
Not earning reward points in the right way
Reward points are one of the main features for which people apply for credit cards. These points can be redeemed on various partnered websites
For example – MakeMyTrip ICICI Bank Credit Card lets you earn My Cash on every transaction that you make using this credit card. This My Cash will be transferred to MakeMyTrip Wallet which can then be used to make travel-related bookings on MakeMyTrip.
Not taking the advantage of Welcome Benefits
These travel credit cards provide some amazing welcome benefits such as an e-ticket on paying the annual fee of the credit card or on spending of a particular amount within first 30 days of the card issuance date. Therefore, if you do not spend this amount, you will end up losing all the benefits that come along with this credit card.
Not using lounge benefits and other benefits
The people who are frequent flyers opt for travel credit cards because of the various benefits that these cards provide, one of which is the complimentary access to domestic as well as international airport lounges. But sometimes people do not realize that they have complimentary access to the lounges with their credit cards but they end up paying way too much for accessing these lounges. Therefore, cardholders should go through the benefits that these credit cards offer in detail so gain the maximum advantage from these credit cards.
Also Read: Points To Consider Before Applying For A Travel Credit Card
Bottom Line
Travel credit cards are those credit cards that provide travel benefits to the cardholders but it is quite important for the credit cardholders to be aware of the benefits and advantages that these credit card offers as a complimentary benefit. Sometimes cardholders forget to take advantage of the complimentary travel benefits that come along with the credit cards and then end up paying extra for the benefits that come along with it. Therefore, you should do a thorough research and read all the terms and conditions before applying for a particular credit card.