IndianOil and Kotak Mahindra Bank joined forces to launch their new, co-branded IndianOil Kotak Credit Card on RuPay network which is highly rewarding. IndianOil has more than 34,000 fuel stations across the country and cardholders will get exclusive benefits and reward points on refuelling their vehicle at any IndianOil outlet using this credit card.
The Fuel credit card was launched in Mumbai by the President and Business Head of Kotak Mahindra Bank, Executive Director of IndianOil, and the Chief Operating Officer of National Payments Corporation of India.
Here are the key features of this credit card along with its annual fee and other information.
Key Features and Benefits
Joining Fee
Customers have to pay a joining fee and annual fee of Rs. 449 plus taxes for IndianOil Kotak Credit Card.
Welcome Benefit
Get 1000 Reward Points on spending Rs. 500 or more in the first 30 days of getting the card
Reward Points
Get 4% back as Reward Points when you refuel your vehicles at IndianOil gas stations, with a maximum benefit of Rs. 300 every month.
Get 2% back as Reward Points on grocery, dining, and other transactions, with a maximum benefit of Rs. 200 per month.
The Reward Points earned through this card can also be redeemed to get free fuel across IndianOil fuel stations.
Fuel Surcharge Waiver
Get 1% fuel surcharge waiver on your fuel transactions with a maximum benefit of Rs. 100 every month.
Interest-Free Period
When you get your credit card, enjoy an interest-free credit period for the first 48 days.
Smart EMI
You can easily convert big, eligible transactions to smart EMIs and easily pay them off in time
Contactless Payment
You can use Contactless Payment on your credit card to make transactions up to Rs. 5000 without any PIN required. It is a secure and safe technology which you can enable through mobile banking.
Zero Liability Lost Card Protection
The cardholder will not be liable for any fraudulent transactions made through his card if he reports the loss of his card to the bank in a timely manner.
This new co-branded credit card by Kotak Mahindra Bank and IndianOil is the first fuel proposition in the bank’s offerings and its exciting rewards will push customers to make all their transactions through this card.
The IndianOil Kotak credit card works on the Rupay platform to offer innovative payment solutions and promote digital transactions among Indian consumers. Also, through the credit card, the aim is to increase digital payments at fuel stations and provide a better customer experience across the country.
Other than fuel, this credit card also offers great benefits on dining, grocery, and other spends along with a seamless, contactless payment technology.