How To Know About My Credit Card Billing Date?

Credit cards have become an important part of the lifestyle of people of today’s era. Credit cards can be used anywhere and everywhere, from online stores to retail outlets. As easy as it has become to use credit cards, it is also important to pay the bills related to a credit card on time. A credit card bill is generated for all the transactions that you have made in a particular billing cycle and you are required to pay the bill amount due date. If you fail to pay your credit card bills on time, you could attract enormous charges on your credit card. Late payment or failed payment will also have a negative impact on your credit score.

Credit Card Billing Date

Hence, it is advisable to pay all your credit card bills well in time. Now, to prepare yourself to pay the credit card bill, you should be well aware of the billing date of your credit card and the due date by which you have to pay the bills. But before going any further, let us first understand what is credit card billing date and how to know about the credit card billing date.

Suggested Read: All You Need to Know About Credit Card Billing Cycle

What is the credit card billing date?

The billing date of a credit card, also known as the statement date, is the date on which the statement or bill of your credit card is generated every month. Bill of all the transactions done using this credit card till this date will be included in this statement. Generally, the credit card billing date is the last date of the billing cycle. The length of the billing cycle generally lasts from 27-31 days, depending on bank to bank.

For Example – Your credit card billing cycle starts on the 8th of the previous month and ends on the 7th of this month. Hence, on the 7th, the credit card statement will be generated, and hence it is the billing date of your credit card. In this example, we have considered the billing cycle to be of 30 days but this can vary from bank to bank.

How to know my credit card billing date?

The billing date related to a credit card is a very important date. You will have to pay the bill in the next 20 days for all the transactions made during this period.
All the information related to the billing date of the credit card is mentioned on the statement of the credit card. You can easily find it in the top right corner of the credit card statement.

This date can also be checked in your mobile banking application under the credit cards section. Tap on the particular credit card whose billing date you would want to know. After selecting the credit card, you can all the details related to the billing date on that page.
Additionally, you can also obtain all information related to a credit card billing date by calling on the customer care number mentioned on the back side of the credit card. Upon speaking to customer care and telling them about your credit card number, the customer care executive will let you know about the billing date of your credit card.

Bottom Line

Having detailed information on all the important credit card dates related to a credit card is quite necessary as it can help you in making effective use of your credit cards. Having a clear knowledge of the credit card billing date can help you enjoy a huge interest-free period if purchases are made days before the credit card billing date. A credit card billing date can be easily found on the Credit card statement, via net banking or phone banking, or even by contacting customer care of your respective bank. The cardholder is required to pay the credit card bill within 15-20 days from the date of the credit card billing date.

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