HDFC Bank launched the Pixel Credit Card series which features the Go and Play Credit Cards. While the Pixel Go Card can be availed at a fee of Rs. 250 the Play Credit Card comes at a higher fee of Rs. 500. The HDFC Pixel Go Credit Card is a decent card for those who are looking for their first entry-level credit card. Offering a basic reward rate of 1% cashback across all categories and a low joining fee this card can be easily acquired by those who are beginning their credit card journeys.
One of the key features of this card is its availability on the PayZapp application. You can conveniently manage all your expenses from the app and even redeem cash points. Read on more to learn all about this card.
HDFC Bank Pixel Go Credit Card
Joining Fee
Renewal Fee
Best Suited For
Reward Type
Welcome Benefits
Movie & Dining
25% Dining Discount Via Swiggy Dineout
Rewards Rate
Unlimited 1% Cashback
Reward Redemption
Cashback Against Statement
Domestic Lounge Access
International Lounge Access
Insurance Benefits
Spend-Based Waiver
On Spends of Rs. 50,000 in a Year
Rewards Redemption Fee
Foreign Currency Markup
Interest Rates
3.60% Monthly and 43.20% Yearly
Fuel Surcharge
1% Across Fuel Stations in India
Cash Advance Charges
- This card can be availed at a joining fee of Rs. 250 + applicable taxes.
- You can get 1% unlimited cashback with this card across all eligible categories.
- Discounts on dining with Swiggy.
- This card comes with a reasonable fee, which can be waived by spending Rs. 10,000 in the first 90 days of card activation. From the second year onwards, the fee can also be easily waived by spending Rs. 50,000 in a year.
- This card offers 1% cashback across all categories. There is no accelerated or higher cashback rate for certain categories.
- SmartBuy offers cannot be availed with this credit card.
1% Cashback on All Spends*
The Pixel Go Credit Card offers 1% unlimited cashback on all eligible spends.
Cashback is not applicable on the following.
- Fuel Spends
- Wallet Spends
- Rent Payments
- Government Related transactions
- EMI Transactions
- Purchases Converted to EMI Post Facto
- Cash Advances
- Payment of Outstanding Balances
- Payment of Card Fees and Other Charges
Pixel Cashpoint Redemption
The cashback with the Pixel Go Credit Card is earned in the form of Pixel Cashpoints. These cash points can be easily managed and redeemed on the PayZapp mobile application. For redemption, you would need a minimum of 500 Pixel Cashpoints. These cash points are valid for two years from the date of accumulation. There is no limit on cashpoint earning each statement cycle.
1 CashPoint = ₹1 PayZapp CashPoints
Joining and Renewal Fee Waiver
With the Pixel Go Credit Card, you can easily waive the joining fee by spending Rs. 10,000 within the first 90 days of card issuance. The renewal fee can also be waived by spending Rs. 50,000 in a card anniversary year.
How to Apply for a Pixel Go Credit Card?
- You would need to download the PayZapp from the Play Store or App Store for iOS.
- Simply click on the banner for the Pixel Go Credit Card application.
- Fill in your details.
- Once approved you shall immediately get your virtual Pixel Go Credit Card.
Bottom Line
The Pixel Go Credit Card is available on the Visa platform and offers a seamless digital experience. You can easily apply for this credit card through the PayZapp application and get the virtual credit card instantly upon approval. With a 1% cashback on all eligible spends this card is perfect for first-time credit card users such as students. You also get a 25% discount up to Rs. 300 per month via Swiggy Dineout.