If you have multiple Reward Points based credit cards, the total number of Reward Points earned by you would be distributed amongst all your cards. This not only makes keeping track of the Reward Points difficult but also makes it tough to make a big purchase using the Reward Points only even if the total value of all the Reward Points on all your credit cards is worth more than the value of the item you are going to purchase. In this article, we will explain how you can combine the Reward Points on all your credit cards and avail the benefit for making a single transaction using the Points.
Shopping from Online Merchants
Suppose you have around 1,000 Reward Points worth Rs. 250 (redeemable for Amazon voucher worth Rs. 250) on four different credit cards and let’s say you have to purchase an item worth Rs. 1,000 from Amazon. Now if you redeem the Reward Points on only one of your credit cards, you would be able to pay only Rs. 250 using the Reward Points and the rest of the amount would have to be paid using the card.
In this case, what you can do is redeem the Reward Points on all your credit cards for Amazon Vouchers and then make the purchase using the total value of all the vouchers combined. You can do something similar for making purchases at other online merchants as well- redeem the Reward Points on all your credit cards for shopping vouchers of the merchant you wish to make the purchase from and then use all the vouchers to complete the payment.
Also Read: Best Shopping Credit Cards India
Booking Flight Tickets
Once again, suppose you have four credit cards and the Reward Points earned on each of the four cards are transferable as AirMiles to the frequent flyer program of the airline you wish to travel from. Let’s say, although the value of the Reward Points (as CV Points) on any one of your cards is not enough to buy the flight ticket, however, the total value of all the Reward Points (as CV Points) on all your credit cards combined is more than or at least equal to the value of the flight ticket.
Again, in this case also, what you should do is transfer the Reward Points on all your credit cards as Club Vistara Points to your Club Vistara account and use then use the CV Points in your account to book the ticket. Now you would be able to pay the entire ticket amount using the CV Points only, without making any payment using your credit card.
Bottom Line
While redeeming credit card Reward Points is always a rewarding experience, it becomes even more rewarding if you are able to make the entire payment using the Reward Points only without making any payment upfront using your card. This may not be possible if you are redeeming the Reward Points accumulated only on one credit card since most likely there would not be enough Reward Points in a single credit card account to pay for the entire amount. However, if you wish to maximize the reward benefit of your credit cards, you can use the two aforementioned methods to combine the Reward Points on multiple credit cards and redeem them for completing a single transaction.